
“It probably takes longer for Apple to review the app than for us to roll out a new language with Lokalise.”

Edward Cooper, Chief Mobile Officer

Localization meets AI

Your one-stop solution for AI-powered translations and automated localization. Save money, speed up your market entry, and charm customers in every language.

Try all features for 14 days · No credit card required

The world’s leading brands use Lokalise to provide localized experiences

  • Mastercard_logo
  • Starbucks_logo
  • Withings_logo@2x
  • Hyandai_logo
  • Lokalise_Arduino_logo
  • revolut

Translate smarter with AI magicNEW

Elevate your content with AI's brilliance. Get context-aware, impeccable translations in seconds. Translate, shorten, rephrase, optimize for SEO, and more. It’s effortless communication without the guesswork or time-consuming tasks.

Discover more

Control the localization process

Collaborate with your team in a single workspace. Add and assigntasks, track progress, and enjoy a seamless localization workflow where you know who is doing what and when.

Start now

Shorten time to market

Localize your product in parallel with the development cycle. Use theAdobe XD,Figma, andSketchplugins to start working on translations as soon as the product design is ready. No more idle waiting.

Start now

Ensure quality

Use built-in tools — e.g.translation memory, machine translation, and QA checks — to enhance the quality and cohesion of translations. Add productscreenshotsfor context and use thein-context editorsfor instant previews.

Start now

Less work for developers

Eliminate the hassle of localization and let developers get back to their main tasks. Save hours with the powerfulAPI,CLI,mobile SDKs, and integrations withGitHub,Bitbucket,GitLab,Azure Repos, Jira, and more.

Start now
const<\/span> lokalise =<\/span> new<\/span> LokaliseApi(<\/span>{<\/span>apiKey:<\/span> token}<\/span>)<\/span>;<\/span>\n \nlokalise.files<\/span>.download<\/span>(<\/span>\n project_id,<\/span> {<\/span>\n format:<\/span> "json"<\/span>,<\/span>\n original_filenames:<\/span> true<\/span>\n }<\/span>\n)<\/span>;<\/span><\/div>","hljs_language":"javascript","language_title":"nodejs","taxonomies":{"categories":[],"tags":[]}},{"title":"Code sample - curl","code":"
curl \n --request<\/span> POST \\\n --url<\/span> https:\/\/<\/span>\/<\/span>api2\/<\/span>projects\/<\/span>${PROJECT_ID}<\/span>\/<\/span>branches \\\n --header<\/span> 'content-type: application\/json'<\/span> \\\n --header<\/span> 'x-api-token: ${TOKEN}'<\/span> \\\n --data<\/span> '{"name":"hotfix\/really-important"}'<\/span><\/div>","hljs_language":"bash","language_title":"curl","taxonomies":{"categories":[],"tags":[]}},{"title":"Code sample - ruby","code":"
@client<\/span> = Lokalise.client<\/span> token\n \ntranslations = @client<\/span>.translations<\/span>(<\/span>\n project_id,\n limit: 4<\/span>,\n page: 2<\/span>,\n disable_references: 0<\/span>\n)<\/span><\/div>","hljs_language":"ruby","language_title":"ruby","taxonomies":{"categories":[],"tags":[]}},{"title":"Code sample - golang","code":"
client,<\/span> err :<\/span>=<\/span> lokalise.<\/span>New<\/span>(<\/span>token)<\/span>\n \nclient :<\/span>=<\/span> Api.<\/span>Contributors<\/span>(<\/span>)<\/span>\nclient.<\/span>SetPageOptions<\/span>(<\/span>pageOpts)<\/span>\nclient.<\/span>List<\/span>(<\/span>projectId)<\/span><\/div>","hljs_language":"go","language_title":"go","taxonomies":{"categories":[],"tags":[]}},{"title":"Code sample - php","code":"
$client<\/span> =<\/span> new<\/span> \\Lokalise\\LokaliseApiClient(<\/span>$token<\/span>)<\/span>;<\/span>\n \n$response<\/span> =<\/span> $client<\/span>-><\/span>files<\/span>-><\/span>download<\/span>(<\/span>\n $projectId<\/span>,<\/span>\n [<\/span>\n 'format'<\/span> =><\/span> 'json'<\/span>,<\/span>\n ]<\/span>\n)<\/span>;<\/span><\/div>","hljs_language":"php","language_title":"php","taxonomies":{"categories":[],"tags":[]}}]">

constlokalise= newLokaliseApi( {apiKey:token} ) ; (project_id, {format: "json" ,original_filenames: true } ) ;

What can you localize with Lokalise?

  • web-apps-at-2x
    Web apps

    Any kind of web app — backend, frontend, single page, blogs — you name it.

  • support-at-2x
    Customer service

    Support customers in their native languages and deliver great customer experiences withreal-time chat translation and localized knowledge base articlesinIntercomorZendesk.

  • documents-at-2x

    Upload, translate, and download your documents, including DOCX, static HTML files, and more.

  • mobile-apps-at-2x
    Mobile apps

    Localize your app for every platform using your preferred file format, or embed theLokalise iOS SDK,Lokalise Android SDKandLokalise Flutter SDKto speed up publishing with over-the-air updates.

  • games-at-2x

    Our cloud software is trusted by many leading game developers around the world.

  • marketing-emails-at-2x
    Marketing assets

    Reach and convert more prospects with translated web pages, blogs, emails, and other marketing assets. EnableHubSpot,Contentful,WebflowandStoryblokintegrations to accelerate your localization process.

Boost your localization team’s productivity tenfold

  • boost-managers

    Update existing and launch new features and products while simultaneously localizing them in multiple languages. Streamline your team's workflow, maximize productivity, and speed up expansion to other markets.

    Learn more

  • boost-developers

    Set up an integration with your code repository or your own custom SDK via Lokalise'spowerful API. Do that once, and every time you make changes in the code, they'll be automatically imported to Lokalise for translation.

    Learn more

  • boost-translators

    Eliminate double-work and neverending revisions with visual context (screenshots) and live previews. Improve the quality and speed of your translations with built-in CAT tools, like autocomplete, inline machine translation, segmentation, and translation memory.

    Learn more

  • boost-designers

    Save time by automating processes with two-way integrations withFigma,Sketch, orAdobe XD. Ensure quality by previewing your design in different languages and receiving valuable feedback early in the design process.

    Learn more


Lokalise has turned a task we were dreading into an absolute pleasure. Great platform, intuitive UX, powerful API. The automatic text recognition for screenshots has been a lifesaver, and over-the-air updates are the icing on the cake.

Edward Cooper, Chief Mobile Officer
31-31-bg-lovely -at-2x

The most-loved translation management software


Integrate Lokalise with your work tools

Automate processes, eliminate routine tasks, and track progress with ease.

See all integrations


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