The world’s fastest-growing businesses choose Lokalise

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Featured Customer AFS_logo

How AFS used Lokalise to bring order to chaos

"One thing that we could all agree on is that the translation experience is much better on Lokalise than in spreadsheets. After all, spreadsheets aren't built for translations, whereas Lokalise is. That's the main benefit."

Guille Bril

Digital Products Consultant at AFS

"How AFS used Lokalise to bring order to chaos"

Guille Bril

Digital Products Consultant at AFS

Featured Customer bending_spoons_logo

How Lokalise is helping Bending Spoons to bend spoons faster

"It’s like using a car instead of walking - it’s the next evolutionary step in the localization of digital products"

Ekaterina Sukhliaeva

Content and localization manager

"How Lokalise is helping Bending Spoons to bend spoons faster"

Ekaterina Sukhliaeva

Content and localization manager

Featured Customer shapr_logo

年代hapr’s tech team ships 12 days faster by automating the localization process with Lokalise

"We learned quite a few new words through our use of Lokalise. That gave us the idea of doing little internal quizzes during lunch break, to help our French team get a better hold of the English we use in the app!"

Jonathan Rogez

Chief Product Officer

Localization made easy. Why wait?

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