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Typeform (deprecated)
Typeform (deprecated)
Ilya Krukowski avatar
Written byIlya Krukowski
Updated over a week ago

Please note that this feature is deprecated and we're currently sunsetting it.

Typeform makes collecting and sharing information comfortable and conversational. It's a web based platform you can use to create anything from surveys to interactive apps, without needing to write a single line of code.



Open your Lokalise project, proceed toAppsand findTypeformin the list:


You will see the following screen:

In order to proceed with the setup, you will have to provide yourTypeform personal token.

Getting a Typeform personal token

Proceed to Typeform and log into the system. Find your avatar in the top right corner, click on it, and chooseYour settings:

Proceed toPersonal tokensand clickGenerate a new token:

You'll be presented with the following dialog box:

Give your token a name, chooseCustom scopesand make sure to enable at least the following scopes:

  • Accounts — read

  • Forms — read, write

ClickGenerate tokenand copy it. Please note that you won't be able to view this token once you close the dialog.

Next, return to Lokalise and paste your token to the corresponding field. Finally, clickAuthorizeto complete the installation process.

Importing items from Typeform to Lokalise

Once you've installed the app, you'll be presented with the list of forms that are published in Typeform; you might need to clickRefreshif the forms are not listed automatically after a few seconds.

  • The form title.

  • The different fields for each numbered question, which might include a description, options for multiselect fields, and any other text.

  • The form ending (last screen) title and description.

On theReady for importview, select the items that you would like to import, and then click onImport from Typeform. Each individual field will result in a separate key on the editor.

Choose the language of the original content you're going to import:

Tick theOverwrite existing keysoption if you want to update existing translation keys with any updates that happened on the Typeform content since the last import. Updated keys will return to theUnverifiedstatus.

Once you are ready, clickOK.

Importing will happen in the background, and once the operation is completed, you'll see the following notification:

The imported content will move to theImportedview.

Now you can return to theEditorand perform the translations as usual.

Exporting items from Lokalise to Typeform

Once the translations are reviewed on the project editor, return to the Typeform app on Lokalise, and switch to theImportedtab. Choose one or more items and click出口到Typeform:

You'll be presented with the following dialog:

Choose the languages that you want to export and hitOK. The operation will be performed in the background, and you'll be notified once it is completed.

All the exported items can be found under theImportedtab.

Now you can return to Typeform and check that your translated content was properly exported. Typeform supports a single language per form, therefore Lokalise will create a form duplicate for each different language. For example, initially we had a single form in English, and then used Lokalise to translate it into Catalan. Therefore as a result we have two forms now:

Known issues

  • Currently, you can’t reimport items from Typeform that were already translated and exported from Lokalise. As a workaround, you can delete the translated versions of the form on Typeform, and restart the process again.

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