AI Translations
Alex Pereverzevs avatar
Written byAlex Pereverzevs
Updated yesterday

This feature is currently in closed beta.

AI Translationsis a new task type that enables you to quickly and accurately translate content in a fully automated way. It uses Lokalise AI assistant built on OpenAI's GPT API to automatically translate content taking into account context, such as your glossary terms, instructions you provide when creating a task, character limit for individual translations.



AI Translations is a new task type that is built on top of theLokalise AI. AI Translations task provides the following capabilities:

  • Create a task to translate content in 29 languages (see full list below)

    • The task will be automatically assigned to Lokalise AI assistant

    • During the ongoing task, all translation keys will be automatically locked until Lokalise AI assistant finishes the job for the respective language

  • Provide additional instructions to Lokalise AI upon task creation, such as specifics about target audience, tone of voice or formality level to be used

  • Receive notifications upon language translation completion

  • 利用现有的术语,以确保所有translations respect your glossary terms

On average, AI Translations takes just a few minutes to complete but this heavily depends on the amount of content and number of languages that you decide to perform it on. You would be able to see estimated time of completion once you selected languages and scope.

Supported languages

AI Translations currently supports 29 languages and their variations for different locales: English, Russian, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Japanese, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Korean, Italian, Dutch, Turkish, Polish, Swedish, Indonesian, Czech, Hebrew, Danish, Finnish, Romanian, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Hindi, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Ukrainian.

This is not an exhaustive list. It will be updated based on the quality level and our confidence in quality for the respective language.In case you want us to support other languages and are happy to help with translation quality evaluation, let us know.

Using AI Translations

Creating a new AI Translations task

To get started with AI Translations, open any project in Lokalise and create a newtask. There are two ways to create a task.

First, you can select multiple keys in theeditorby ticking checkboxes next to their names and then choosingCreate task...from thebulk actionsmenu. This will open the task creation page with a predefined task scope, limited to the keys you have just selected.

Alternatively, open your project and proceed to theTaskspage:

ClickCreate a taskto open the task creation wizard.

In the task creation wizard you will see a new task type calledAI Translations:

Select theAI Translationstask, provide the task name and fill in instructions for Lokalise AI. These instructions will be used to translate content with higher accuracy.

Some examples of what you can include as instructions:

  • Translate idioms into equivalents appropriate for the target audience.

  • Maintain a conversational tone.

  • Use simple language.

  • Do not translate idiomatic expressions word-for-word.

  • Avoid unnecessary abbreviations.

Instructions field has a2000 character limit. Once you have completed instructions, proceed to the next step.

Adjusting task options

On the next step you will see a limited set of options.

  • Save translations performed by AI to Translation memory— you can choose whether you want translations performed by Lokalise AI to be saved into yourTranslation memoryor not.

  • Tag keys as the task is completed— tag translation keys added to the current task once it's completed. This way you'll be able to easily identify these keys afterwards.

  • Allow this task to be used as a template— this task can be used as a base when creating other tasks (scope and languages will be pre-selected).

Adjusting task scope

On the last step of task wizard, you can select the scope and languages:

  • Task scope— adjust the filter to choose the keys that should be added to the task.

  • Source language— choose the language that should be used as a reference for performing quality evaluation.

  • Target languages— choose one or more languages that should be evaluated by Lokalise AI assistant.

  • Task assignees— you won't be able to modify assignees as all languages will be assigned to Lokalise AI assistant for automatic translation.

Task summary

To the right, you'll see the task summary and your Lokalise AI credit balance:

In the task summary you'll see how many translations in total will be performed during this task. The number of translations depends on the scope filter and the languages you've selected.

You will also see the estimated delivery time for this task. Please note this is an approximate number and it can fluctuate depending on the load on our system.

Please find more information onLokalise credits in the section below.

Lokalise AI credits

Each team will have 20,000 Lokalise AI credits during the beta period. It can be used within 1 AI Translations task or broken down into multiple tasks (which is recommended). Credits are also shared withAI LQA tasks.

At the last step of the task creation wizard, you'll see your credit balance. It shows the number of credits that you have already used and the number of credits that this task is expecting to consume based on selected scope and languages:

Once you'll be approaching your team credit limits, your progress bar will turn to red:

Credits are calculated based on the number of source words, target languages, and additional context provided such as glossary and key descriptions.

Each translation has a base cost of 10 credits.Treat it as a minimum cost required to run an AI Translation task for a single translation. Other costs will depend on the number of words in your source text to be translated. Eachsource word that has to be translated equals to 0.02 credits.

❗️ Please note that this is an experimental metric that we use to calculate usage and to keep it within reasonable boundaries during our beta programme. It does not indicate that the same model will be used when we roll out AI LQA to general availability.

Frequently asked questions

How do I enroll into the private beta and gain access to Lokalise AI?

Please reach out tohello@www.wwealerts.comand inform us that you want to be part of the beta. When you are accepted, we'll send you an email confirmation.

What features are available in beta?

In the beta program, you'll be able to use the AI Translations to provide instructions to Lokalise AI and run automatic translations in bulk taking into account the context and your terminology.

Why is this feature in beta?

The beta program allows us to gain valuable insight and feedback to improve AI Translations.

How is AI Translations beta being rolled out across plans?

All Lokalise customers can be a part of the beta program. It means customers in Start, Essential, Pro, and Enterprise plans, and even customers who are still trialing Lokalise or don't have a paid subscription.

Do I need to pay for AI Translations beta?

不。人工智能翻译β是免费的。Each team has 20,000 AI credits to use (see above) for free.

How will my data be used?

The only data being processed by LQA is the source text, target translations, key descriptions, and glossary terms matching the content. This data is not used for other purposes, such as model training.

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