Translation Management Systems
Free evaluation template
Choosing the right Translation Management System (TMS) can be overwhelming. So, we've put together an easy-to-use evaluation template that helps teams make informed decisions when evaluating a TMS.
What's inside?
This TMS Evaluation Template tool is vendor-agnostic and fully customizable soyou define the featuresand score each one of them.
Follow these 5 steps to help you choose the right TMS:
  • Create an RFI (Request for Information)
  • Score RFI responses
  • Score vendor demos
  • Define trial objectives and scoring results
  • Calculate final scores
Make a copy of the template and get started now →

About the creators:

Eric Silberstein
Sales Engineer
As the go-to expert at Lokalise for both customers and colleagues, Eric provides comprehensive support and advice on all aspects of software localization.
Tom Franc
Lead Sales Solutions Architect
Tomas helps customers design localization processes, automated workflows, and integrations. He has 22+ years of experience in the localization industry. Tomas is the LocWorld Process Innovation Challenge 2017 winner and occasional LocWorld conference speaker.
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