Localized support: Why it’s critical for your company’s long-term international success
40 minutes
Technology is making the experience of getting and giving assistance more efficient. It's expected of any modern company nowadays, and we don't need to sell you on the value of great customer experience. But what does a world-class experience look like today and how can you enable those experiences at scale in multiple languages?

We brought together Leanne Hart, Manager of Customer Support at Intercom, and Alex Pereverzev, the Product Lead at Lokalise, to discuss how to develop a localization strategy and what role customer support plays in that strategy.

You’ll learn:

  • Why not doing localization is guaranteed to be far more costly in the long run
  • The role of customer support in localization
  • 向你介绍定位如何r business and support team

Alexander Pereverzevs
Product Lead at Lokalise
Leanne Harte
Customer Support Manager at Intercom