
Lokalise for Salesforce

Empower your sales and other customer-facing teams, partner network, and customers with access to multilingual content.

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Create a multilingual Salesforce interface

Use Lokalise to easily manage translations and localize the entire Sales Cloud interface. Allow your globally distributed sales teams to effectively communicate and create meaningful customer journeys in foreign markets.


Translate Knowledge Articles

Speak your customers’ language by easily implementing Knowledge Article translations. Ensure your customer success and support teams have the right answers in the right language right at their fingertips.


Localize your community pages

Personalize the digital experience across your partner, customer, and employee pages. Keep everyone engaged and in the loop: remove the language barrier on your community pages using Lokalise.


How the Lokalise Salesforce integration works

  • Connect your tool with Lokalise using the integration

    Salesforce Sales Cloud with Lokalise

  • Push language files from your repository to Lokalise using the integration

    Knowledge Articles, Community Pages, and other content to a Lokalise project

  • Translate strings using the Lokalise integration

    any new or updated content

  • Pull translated strings to your repository using the Lokalise integration

    translated content back to Salesforce Sales Cloud

Easily deploy localized content

Avoid manual uploads and downloads of translation files. Develop a continuous localization process so that your content is always ready for release.


Collaborate with translators

Invite in-house or outsourced translators to work on the project, create tasks, share context, and provide feedback.


A single source of truth

Centralize all your multilingual content management, and share the workspace with product and marketing teams who are able to pull content from variousplaces(GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, WordPress, Contentful, Figma, and more).


Numerous tools & features

With built-in tools such as translation memories, machine translation, glossaries, and QA checks, Lokalise enables you to conveniently manage the entire localization project from a single workspace.


Increased efficiency and quality

Deliver faster across all languages, maintain translation consistency, and keep translations in sync. Eliminate double-work and idle waiting time by automating your processes.

See Lokalise + Salesforce in action

Get a live customized demo and let us show you how the Lokalise + Salesforce integration can improve your localization workflow.